Chronus DKP

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Sitout DKP
(September 19, 2006 - submitted by Sylexia at 08:50pm CDT)  
I have had some questions about sitout dkp so I thought I would explain how it works so there is no confusion.

1-Class leaders track sitouts and PM me on the forum the next day. So don't tell me youre sitting, tell your CL. If your CL is not on, then tell your CO. If they are not on, then you can come to me.

2-You must be on Wow, or in Vent on a character that your CL can contact. if they want it to be a guilded alt then that is their perrogative. This is so you are available if we need you to come in and take the spot of someone who is leaving or to change the class balance.

3-Sitouts are listed on the site as you having attended the raid, with a minus to dkp for trash. Trash dkp is 5 for MC and 7 for BWL. Trash dkp was put in to help say "you were there you paid a repair bill", yes i know the conversion rate of gold to dkp is piddly but it is something. (and no you cannot give me gold for dkp)

4-If there is an open spot in the raid that is not saved for another class, you cannot receive sitout. This especially applies to Onyxia... <40 at Ony means no sitout for anyone because Ony isn't long enough to save spots for classes.

Migration complete!
(September 14, 2006 - submitted by Cerrelle at 12:56pm CDT)  
After much hard work from Brasidas and several others, all the data is now located here on the current site. If you notice any discrepancies in your loot and/or DKP totals, please let him know.

Dude, where's my DKP?
(September 11, 2006 - submitted by admin at 08:25am CDT)  
We're still migrating the DKP data from the old site. Until then, it's still located here.


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