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Breastplate of the Lost Protector
Item Level 30

Binds when picked up
Classes: Warrior, Hunter, Shaman
Use: Create a class set item appropriate for your Loot Specialization).
Requires Level 30
Sell Price: 5
Dropped by: Gluth
Drop Chance: 7.56%
Click here to update the item.
Purchase History for Breastplate of the Lost Protector
Date Buyer Raid Value
12/17/08 Shiva Naxxramas 200.00
12/22/08 Rayna Naxxramas 25.00
01/07/09 Lineer Naxxramas 200.00
01/07/09 Nikoletta Naxxramas 200.00
01/13/09 Phoenixbow Naxxramas 200.00
01/15/09 Remana Naxxramas 200.00
01/15/09 Thymble Naxxramas 200.00
01/27/09 Alandrexia Naxxramas 100.00
01/27/09 Trisst Naxxramas 200.00
01/27/09 Diam Naxxramas 200.00
01/28/09 Soledad Naxxramas 200.00
02/03/09 Omegaflame Naxxramas 200.00
02/03/09 Asgar Naxxramas 200.00
02/17/09 Tinkeron Naxxramas 200.00
02/17/09 Tinkeron Naxxramas 25.00
02/24/09 Rayna Naxxramas 25.00
03/10/09 Remana Naxxramas 25.00
03/10/09 Amerill Naxxramas 25.00
03/18/09 Thymble Naxxramas 25.00
03/26/09 Fireheals Naxxramas 200.00
04/08/09 Jaegermeister Naxxramas 200.00
... found 21 item(s)

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