Chronus DKP

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DeathKnight Druid Hunter Mage Paladin Priest Rogue Shaman Warlock Warrior
Atlasbreaker 1672.00
Nokilu 1443.00
Cephalia 524.00
Teggo 40.00
Shadowvann * -142.00
Sylexia 2994.00
Vanadis 2568.00
Angerr 1294.00
Chantessa 691.00
Mirza 635.00
Gadir 2115.00
Phoenixbow 1482.00
Diam 968.00
Snarkie * 136.00
Ecchielf * 133.00
Firerelic 1755.00
Sleyn 1638.00
Kahlane 1164.00
Menarri 924.00
Heats 248.00
Areyn 1782.00
Valesta 1631.00
Ioanna * 159.00
Rihkaten 76.00
Unstopbubbl * -99.00
Yoh 2773.00
Kymiran 1318.00
Khukie 1284.40
Amuna 978.00
Eekthecat * 195.00
Godlike * -339.00
Valindil -378.00
Stonewall * -378.00
Jarlaxle -517.00
Zarcast * -828.00
Shiva 2393.00
Tinkeron 2244.00
Totemtosser * 104.00
Alandrexia 52.00
Rayna -69.00
Deucebigolo 705.00
Bandiago * 653.00
Mowleg * 395.00
Worgazm -287.00
Mimiku -379.00
Nikoletta 1821.00
Trisst 267.00
Hawtbox 110.00
Thymble -686.00
Jaegermeister * -827.00

    Name Rank Level Class Earned Spent Adjustment Current Last Raid
1 Ashryne * Recruit 80 Paladin 225.00 1331.00 0.00 -1106.00 07/07/09
2 Bandiago * Recruit 80 Warlock 2261.00 1548.00 -60.00 653.00 07/01/09
3 Boggz * Recruit 80 Priest 121.00 0.00 -8.00 113.00 07/01/09
4 Deathofme * Recruit 80 DeathKnight 503.00 1050.00 38.00 -509.00 07/08/09
5 Ebonweave * Recruit 80 Priest 1808.00 1600.00 -68.00 140.00 06/15/09
6 Ecchielf * Recruit 80 Hunter 1152.00 1000.00 -19.00 133.00 07/06/09
7 Eekthecat * Recruit 80 Priest 195.00 0.00 0.00 195.00 07/08/09
8 Godlike * Recruit 80 Rogue 358.00 712.00 15.00 -339.00 06/30/09
9 Howlite * Recruit 80 Hunter 573.00 1950.00 374.00 -1003.00 04/30/09
10 Hyla * Recruit 80 Druid 1361.00 1162.00 -58.00 141.00 06/10/09
11 Ioanna * Recruit 80 Paladin 1938.00 1743.00 -36.00 159.00 06/30/09
12 Jaegermeister * Recruit 80 Warrior 3077.00 4050.00 146.00 -827.00 07/08/09
13 Jynne * Recruit 80 Druid 426.00 550.00 34.00 -90.00 07/06/09
14 Kalenak * Recruit 80 Priest 88.00 0.00 -9.00 79.00 06/25/09
15 Moonglorious * Recruit 80 Druid 2762.00 4531.00 223.00 -1546.00 07/08/09
16 Mowleg * Recruit 80 Warlock 416.00 0.00 -21.00 395.00 07/08/09
17 Muffens * Recruit 80 Shaman 108.00 288.00 18.00 -162.00 06/16/09
18 Polnedra * Recruit 80 Priest 213.00 250.00 0.00 -37.00 07/06/09
19 Renii * Recruit 80 Mage 543.00 0.00 -114.00 429.00 06/03/09
20 Shamwich * Recruit 80 Shaman 472.00 31.00 -116.00 325.00 05/04/09
21 Shortservice * Recruit 80 Warlock 785.00 0.00 -180.00 605.00 05/18/09
22 Snarkie * Recruit 80 Hunter 151.00 0.00 -15.00 136.00 06/18/09
23 Stonewall * Recruit 80 Rogue 7470.00 5430.00 -2418.00 -378.00 07/01/09
24 Totemtosser * Recruit 80 Shaman 1988.00 1881.00 -3.00 104.00 07/08/09
25 Tyezar * Recruit 80 Paladin 312.00 2000.00 532.00 -1156.00 04/08/09
26 Unstopbubbl * Recruit 80 Paladin 195.00 294.00 0.00 -99.00 07/08/09
27 Violette * Recruit 80 Shaman 1202.00 1444.00 20.00 -222.00 07/07/09
28 Yahtze * Recruit 80 Priest 1311.00 1900.00 58.00 -531.00 07/07/09
29 Zarcast * Recruit 80 Rogue 811.00 1781.00 142.00 -828.00 06/17/09
... found 29 members

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