Chronus DKP

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Date Item Raid Value
12/22/08 Chains of Adoration Naxxramas 250.00
12/22/08 The Impossible Dream Naxxramas 38.00
12/22/08 Heritage Naxxramas 125.00
12/22/08 Wraith Strike Naxxramas 300.00
12/22/08 Fire-Scorched Greathelm Naxxramas 100.00
12/22/08 Aged Winter Cloak Naxxramas 250.00
12/22/08 Final Voyage Naxxramas 300.00
12/22/08 Inevitable Defeat Naxxramas 150.00
12/17/08 Cowl of Vanity Naxxramas 100.00
12/17/08 Dying Curse Naxxramas 250.00
12/17/08 Gauntlets of the Lost Vanquisher The Obsidian Sanctum 200.00
12/17/08 Bountiful Gauntlets The Obsidian Sanctum 100.00
12/17/08 Deadly Gladiator's Silk Handguards Vault of Archavon 25.00
12/17/08 Valorous Earthshatter Gloves Vault of Archavon 200.00
12/17/08 Valorous Earthshatter Kilt Vault of Archavon 200.00
12/17/08 Breastplate of the Lost Protector Naxxramas 200.00
12/17/08 Bindings of the Expansive Mind Naxxramas 200.00
12/17/08 Boots of Persuasion Naxxramas 200.00
12/15/08 Legplates of the Lost Vanquisher Naxxramas 200.00
12/15/08 Girdle of Razuvious Naxxramas 200.00
12/15/08 Sympathy Naxxramas 100.00
12/15/08 Sand-Worn Band Naxxramas 250.00
12/15/08 Legguards of the Apostle Naxxramas 200.00
12/15/08 Breastplate of the Lost Vanquisher Naxxramas 200.00
12/15/08 Defender's Code Naxxramas 250.00
12/15/08 Mantle of the Lost Protector Naxxramas 200.00
12/15/08 Legwraps of the Defeated Dragon Naxxramas 200.00
12/15/08 Tunic of Masked Suffering Naxxramas 100.00
12/15/08 Fading Glow Naxxramas 250.00
12/15/08 Gloves of the Fallen Wizard Naxxramas 25.00
12/15/08 Faithful Steel Sabatons Naxxramas 200.00
12/15/08 Touch of Horror Naxxramas 250.00
12/15/08 Bindings of the Decrepit Naxxramas 200.00
12/10/08 Shawl of the Old Maid Naxxramas 250.00
12/10/08 Slime Stream Bands Naxxramas 200.00
12/10/08 Benefactor's Gauntlets Naxxramas 100.00
12/10/08 Ruthlessness Naxxramas 250.00
12/10/08 Bracers of Liberation Naxxramas 200.00
12/10/08 Mantle of the Lost Conqueror Naxxramas 200.00
12/10/08 Waistguard of Divine Grace Naxxramas 200.00
12/10/08 Quivering Tunic Naxxramas 100.00
12/10/08 Gemmed Wand of the Nerubians Naxxramas 250.00
12/10/08 Valorous Cryptstalker Handguards Vault of Archavon 200.00
12/10/08 Valorous Frostfire Leggings Vault of Archavon 200.00
12/10/08 Chestplate of the Great Aspects The Obsidian Sanctum 200.00
12/10/08 Gauntlets of the Lost Protector The Obsidian Sanctum 200.00
12/02/08 Gauntlets of the Lost Conqueror The Obsidian Sanctum 200.00
12/02/08 Wyrmrest Band The Obsidian Sanctum 250.00
12/02/08 Large Satchel of Spoils The Obsidian Sanctum 0.00
11/10/08 Glory of the Defender Battle of Mount Hyjal 320.00
11/06/08 Thalassian Ranger Gauntlets Sunwell Plateau 390.00
11/06/08 Apolyon, the Soul-Render Sunwell Plateau 425.00
11/06/08 Sunflare Sunwell Plateau 450.00
11/05/08 Crown of Empowered Fate Black Temple 205.00
11/04/08 Spaulders of the Thalassian Savior Sunwell Plateau 370.00
11/04/08 Noble Judicator's Chestguard Sunwell Plateau 415.00
11/04/08 Gauntlets of the Ancient Frostwolf Sunwell Plateau 390.00
11/04/08 Sin'dorei Pendant of Salvation Sunwell Plateau 35.00
11/04/08 Aegis of Angelic Fortune Sunwell Plateau 300.00
11/04/08 Kilt of Spiritual Reconstruction Sunwell Plateau 405.00
11/04/08 Glimmering Naaru Sliver Sunwell Plateau 375.00
11/04/08 Shoulders of the Hidden Predator Black Temple 280.00
10/30/08 Helm of Burning Righteousness Sunwell Plateau 425.00
10/30/08 Handguards of Defiled Worlds Sunwell Plateau 390.00
10/30/08 Golden Staff of the Sin'dorei Sunwell Plateau 450.00
10/30/08 Thori'dal, the Stars' Fury Sunwell Plateau 475.00
10/30/08 Grips of Damnation Black Temple 265.00
10/29/08 Breastplate of Agony's Aversion Sunwell Plateau 415.00
10/29/08 Steely Naaru Sliver Sunwell Plateau 400.00
10/29/08 Sin'dorei Band of Triumph Sunwell Plateau 40.00
10/29/08 Robes of Ghostly Hatred Sunwell Plateau 415.00
10/29/08 Helm of Soothing Currents Black Temple 325.00
10/28/08 Razorfury Mantle Battle of Mount Hyjal 235.00
10/28/08 Felfury Legplates Sunwell Plateau 405.00
10/28/08 Mounting Vengeance Sunwell Plateau 50.00
10/28/08 Erupting Epaulets Sunwell Plateau 370.00
10/28/08 Blade of Life's Inevitability Sunwell Plateau 350.00
10/28/08 Grand Magister's Staff of Torrents Sunwell Plateau 450.00
10/28/08 Pattern: Sunfire Handwraps Sunwell Plateau 0.00
10/28/08 Golden Bow of Quel'Thalas Sunwell Plateau 425.00
10/23/08 Shady Dealer's Pantaloons Battle of Mount Hyjal 43.00
10/22/08 Thalassian Wildercloak Tempest Keep 320.00
10/21/08 Shadow-Walker's Cord Black Temple 31.00
10/21/08 Shoulderpads of Knowledge's Pursuit Sunwell Plateau 370.00
10/21/08 Garments of Crashing Shores Sunwell Plateau 415.00
10/21/08 Boots of the Forgotten Conqueror Sunwell Plateau 380.00
10/21/08 Shifting Naaru Sliver Sunwell Plateau 425.00
10/21/08 Ring of Omnipotence Sunwell Plateau 325.00
10/20/08 Book of Highborne Hymns Sunwell Plateau 300.00
10/20/08 Band of Ruinous Delight Sunwell Plateau 325.00
10/20/08 Crimson Paragon's Cover Sunwell Plateau 360.00
10/16/08 Boots of the Forgotten Vanquisher Sunwell Plateau 380.00
10/16/08 Chain Links of the Tumultuous Storm Sunwell Plateau 405.00
10/16/08 Boots of the Forgotten Protector Sunwell Plateau 380.00
10/16/08 Pillager's Gauntlets Black Temple 250.00
10/16/08 Twinblade of the Phoenix Tempest Keep 310.00
10/15/08 Felstrength Legplates Sunwell Plateau 405.00
10/15/08 Starstalker Legguards Sunwell Plateau 405.00
10/15/08 Stormrage Signet Ring Black Temple 325.00
10/15/08 Memento of Tyrande Black Temple 400.00
... found 1217 unique items / 100 per page

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