Chronus DKP

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Date Item Raid Value
01/14/09 Urn of Lost Memories Naxxramas 250.00
01/14/09 Helm of the Grave Naxxramas 25.00
01/14/09 Idol of Awakening Naxxramas 31.00
01/13/09 Cryptfiend's Bite Naxxramas 150.00
01/13/09 Plague Igniter Naxxramas 250.00
01/13/09 Damnation Naxxramas 38.00
01/13/09 Dislocating Handguards Naxxramas 100.00
01/13/09 The Jawbone Naxxramas 38.00
01/13/09 Cloak of the Shadowed Sun Naxxramas 250.00
01/13/09 Spire of Sunset Naxxramas 300.00
01/13/09 Libram of Radiance Naxxramas 31.00
01/13/09 Deadly Gladiator's Silk Trousers Vault of Archavon 25.00
01/13/09 Shroud of Luminosity Naxxramas 250.00
01/13/09 Thunderstorm Amulet Naxxramas 250.00
01/13/09 Epaulets of the Grieving Servant Naxxramas 25.00
01/13/09 The Hand of Nerub Naxxramas 300.00
01/13/09 Helm of Diminished Pride Naxxramas 25.00
01/13/09 Cowl of Innocent Delight Naxxramas 200.00
01/13/09 Faerlina's Madness Naxxramas 200.00
01/13/09 Shield of Assimilation Naxxramas 250.00
01/13/09 Mantle of the Locusts Naxxramas 200.00
01/12/09 Arrowsong Naxxramas 300.00
01/08/09 Headpiece of Reconciliation The Obsidian Sanctum 25.00
01/08/09 The Sanctum's Flowing Vestments The Obsidian Sanctum 200.00
01/08/09 Valorous Redemption Gauntlets Vault of Archavon 25.00
01/08/09 Valorous Redemption Legplates Vault of Archavon 25.00
01/08/09 Valorous Frostfire Gloves Vault of Archavon 25.00
01/07/09 Torch of Holy Fire Naxxramas 300.00
01/07/09 Broken Promise Naxxramas 38.00
01/07/09 Betrayer of Humanity Naxxramas 300.00
01/07/09 Bracers of the Unholy Knight Naxxramas 200.00
01/07/09 Hood of the Exodus Naxxramas 200.00
01/06/09 Fool's Trial Naxxramas 250.00
01/06/09 Gauntlets of the Disobedient Naxxramas 25.00
01/06/09 Leggings of Atrophy Naxxramas 25.00
01/06/09 Strong-Handed Ring Naxxramas 250.00
01/06/09 Desecrated Past Naxxramas 25.00
01/06/09 Digested Silken Robes Naxxramas 25.00
01/06/09 Sabatons of Sudden Reprisal Naxxramas 25.00
01/06/09 Origin of Nightmares Naxxramas 300.00
01/06/09 Legplates of the Lost Conqueror Naxxramas 200.00
01/06/09 Punctilious Bindings Naxxramas 200.00
01/06/09 Ousted Bead Necklace Naxxramas 31.00
01/06/09 Chestguard of the Exhausted Naxxramas 25.00
01/06/09 Deadly Gladiator's Satin Gloves Vault of Archavon 25.00
01/06/09 Deadly Gladiator's Chain Leggings Vault of Archavon 25.00
01/06/09 Deadly Gladiator's Mooncloth Robe Vault of Archavon 25.00
01/06/09 Valorous Leggings of Faith Vault of Archavon 100.00
01/06/09 Thrusting Bands Naxxramas 200.00
01/06/09 Stalk-Skin Belt Naxxramas 100.00
01/06/09 Torn Web Wrapping Naxxramas 200.00
01/06/09 Widow's Fury Naxxramas 150.00
01/06/09 Heigan's Putrid Vestments Naxxramas 200.00
01/06/09 Footwraps of Vile Deceit Naxxramas 100.00
01/05/09 Leggings of Mortal Arrogance Naxxramas 200.00
01/05/09 Cosmic Lights Naxxramas 250.00
01/05/09 Esteemed Bindings Naxxramas 200.00
01/05/09 Crown of the Lost Protector Naxxramas 200.00
01/05/09 Wall of Terror Naxxramas 31.00
12/30/08 Spinning Fate Naxxramas 250.00
12/30/08 Gloves of Calculated Risk Naxxramas 200.00
12/30/08 Bindings of the Hapless Prey Naxxramas 25.00
12/30/08 Surplus Limb Naxxramas 250.00
12/30/08 Bands of Impurity Naxxramas 200.00
12/30/08 Distorted Limbs Naxxramas 100.00
12/30/08 Boots of Impetuous Ideals Naxxramas 200.00
12/30/08 Gloves of Token Respect Naxxramas 200.00
12/30/08 Forethought Talisman Naxxramas 250.00
12/30/08 Tunic of Indulgence Naxxramas 200.00
12/30/08 Helm of Pilgrimage Naxxramas 100.00
12/30/08 Greaves of Turbulence Naxxramas 25.00
12/30/08 Legplates of the Lost Protector Naxxramas 200.00
12/30/08 Mantle of the Lost Vanquisher Naxxramas 200.00
12/30/08 Council Chamber Epaulets The Obsidian Sanctum 100.00
12/30/08 Deadly Gladiator's Plate Chestpiece Vault of Archavon 25.00
12/30/08 Valorous Dreadnaught Legplates Vault of Archavon 200.00
12/29/08 Mantle of the Corrupted Naxxramas 200.00
12/29/08 Breastplate of Frozen Pain Naxxramas 100.00
12/29/08 Seized Beauty Naxxramas 250.00
12/29/08 Fleshless Girdle Naxxramas 200.00
12/29/08 Ceaseless Pity Naxxramas 31.00
12/29/08 Voice of Reason Naxxramas 250.00
12/29/08 Sympathetic Amice Naxxramas 200.00
12/29/08 Twilight Mist Naxxramas 150.00
12/29/08 Heroic Key to the Focusing Iris Naxxramas 250.00
12/29/08 Crown of the Lost Conqueror Naxxramas 200.00
12/29/08 Bandit's Insignia Naxxramas 250.00
12/29/08 Gauntlets of Guiding Touch Naxxramas 100.00
12/29/08 Envoy of Mortality Naxxramas 300.00
12/23/08 Girdle of Unity Naxxramas 200.00
12/23/08 Lost Jewel Naxxramas 250.00
12/23/08 Chestguard of Bitter Charms Naxxramas 100.00
12/23/08 Callous-Hearted Gauntlets Naxxramas 100.00
12/23/08 Shoulderguards of the Undaunted Naxxramas 200.00
12/23/08 Atonement Greaves Naxxramas 200.00
12/23/08 Rescinding Grips Naxxramas 100.00
12/23/08 Serene Echoes Naxxramas 200.00
12/23/08 Grim Toll Naxxramas 250.00
12/23/08 Deadly Gladiator's Ornamented Legplates Vault of Archavon 25.00
12/22/08 Final Voyage Naxxramas 300.00
... found 1217 unique items / 100 per page

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